That's right! You can order foreign cash at your local Australia post prior to your Vietnam trip!
Hey there, it's Peter here from Mystical Asia Tours with another helpful tip for your upcoming Vietnam trip.
It’s no secret that exchanging your Aussie dollars to Vietnamese Dong at the airport can cost you hundreds, even thousands, of dollars. The currency exchange rates there are notoriously terrible. But don't worry, there's a better way!
Here is what to do instead:
Head to your local Australia Post one week before your Vietnam trip. Alternatively, you can also order your Vietnamese Dong online here via the Australia Post website.
Wait 2-3 business days for your order to be ready.
Collect your Vietnamese Dong at the post office.
We recommend ordering around $300 Aussie dollars to start off with. Once you land in Vietnam, you can head to local currency exchange shops hidden deep within the CBDs in Vietnam for EVEN BETTER exchange rates.
So how do you find these local currency exchange shops for even better rate?
We tell you exactly how to find these shops here in our guide: 7 COSTLY MISTAKES Aussies make on their first Vietnam trip.
Safe travels and happy planning!
Peter H
Founder, Mystical Asia Tours